- Home
- About Us
- Key Information
- Admissions
- Curriculum
- Creative and Expressive Arts (Art & Design, Music, Dance)
- English
- Forest School
- Healthy Body, Healthy Mind (PE, PHSE)
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World (Science, Design & Technology, Computing, History, Geography, RE & Languages)
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Ofsted and Performance Data
- Policies
- How do we assess and review pupils' progress towards outcomes?
- How do we enable pupils with SEN to engage in activities available to those in the school who do not have SEN?
- How do we get the support of other agencies?
- How do we meet the needs of children with SEND?
- How do we support children with improving emotional and social development?
- How do we welcome children on entry/ transfer into our school?
- How does our school know and identify that children have special educational needs (SEND)?
- How does our school measure outcomes and impact of the support provided to the children?
- How does our school plan the support? How are our resources allocated and matched to needs?
- How else do we support families of these pupils?
- How is the decision made about the support your child will receive?
- How will Kingswood Primary include parents and children in planning and reviewing support?
- How will Kingswood Primary teach and support children with SEND?
- How will our school involve children with SEND in their education?
- How will the effectiveness of our SEND provision be assessed and reviewed?
- Interventions
- What are the first steps our school will take if special educational needs are identified?
- What arrangements are made to support children moving to other schools or phases?
- What can you do if you are not happy? (Complaints)
- What expertise and training have staff had to support children with SEN?
- What kinds of SEN are provided for at Kingswood Primary School?
- What role do the governors have? What does our SEND governor do?
- What should parents/ carers do if they think their child has SEND? How can they raise concerns?
- What special arrangements are made for statutory tests (SATs)?
- When and at what intervals will this happen?
- Where can you find our SEND policy?
- Which other services do we use to provide for and support our children?
- Who can you contact for more information?
- Who will be working with your child?
- Financial reports
- News and Events
- Parents
- Children
- Class Pages
- Ruby - Reception
- Emerald - Years 1&2
- Sapphire - Years 3&4
- Amethyst - Years 5&6
- Crazy Kids of Kingswood Newspaper
- Class Pages