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How will Kingswood Primary teach and support children with SEND?

Kingswood Primary School uses "Quality First" teaching, by which we mean that lessons are already differentiated to account for different levels of needs within our lessons.

Children on the SEND register will have a "My Plan" or "My Plan +" or "EHCP" which will detail need, planned support and small-step targets for pupil progress. Small group and individual sessions are timetabled, sometimes in the classroom and sometimes in other learning spaces around the school, where the focus of these sessions is to help the children reach their next target. 

We have access to the following interventions for those children who class teachers feel need some extra support:

  • Teacher planned sessions for maths, phonics etc.
  • Beat Dyslexia
  • Gloucestershire Fizzy Programme
  • Dancing Bears Series
  • Talk Boost
  • Toe by Toe
  • Comprehension Success
  • Better Reading Partners
  • Rapid Write
  • Rapid Maths
  • Numicon Intervention
  • Turnabout Programme
  • 5-minute box

In our planning, teachers note which children are needing support and in what specific areas.