As you may be aware, the school has taken part in the National Gallery's Take One Picture countrywide scheme for primary schools which aims to inspire a lifelong love of art and learning by promoting the role of visual arts within education. Prior to the lockdown Ms Nowell, Mrs Hunt and Mrs Copeland took part in the training for this years competition. As part of this work Ms Nowell has asked that the creative home learning this week focuses on the new picture. Below is a copy of her email and details of where to send your child's ideas.
Dear children
Mrs Hunt, Mrs Copeland and I were recently very lucky to go to the National Gallery in London. We found out all about this painting from the experts and we are hoping to plan some exciting activities for everyone in school to do based on it. For your Art work this week we would like you to look really carefully at the painting. You can use the image attached below or you may wish to look at it on the National Gallery website where you can zoom in (
Please don’t look up any information about the painting we just want you to look and think and ask questions! Please could you record your questions or ideas (everything you think about it is useful!) either around the picture if you decide to print it out or on a sheet of paper or on Post-Its. Please send this piece of work back to Ms Nowell’s school email address ( Have fun and we are really looking forward to receiving your responses!
Kind regards
Ms Nowell