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Years 5 & 6

Knowledge and skills:

During Year 5 & Year 6 the children learn to:

  • draw a timeline with different historical periods showing key events or lives of significant people;
  • compare two or more historical periods, explaining things which changed and things which stayed the same;
  • explain how Parliament affects decision making in England;
  • explain how our locality has changed over time;
  • test out a hypothesis in order to answer questions;
  • describe how crime and punishment has changed over a period of time.
  • place features of historical events and people from past societies and periods in a chronological framework;
  • summarise the main events from a period of history, explaining the order of events and what happened;
  • summarise how Britain has had a major influence on the world;
  • summarise how Britain may have learnt from other countries and civilisations (historically and more recently);
  • identify and explain differences, similarities and changes between different periods of history;
  • identify and explain propaganda;
  • describe a key event from Britain’s past using a range of evidence from different sources;
  • describe the features of historical events and way of life from periods I have studied, and present this to an audience.