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Kingswood Primary School

"Opportunity, Enjoyment, Excellence"

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Kingswood Primary School

"Opportunity, Enjoyment, Excellence"

Beech - Years 3&4

Welcome to Beech! 

Year 3/4

19th July 2024


Well done everyone for an amazing last week! You all worked so hard on our tests and quizzes and we had so much fun dressing up like Vikings and raiding the other classes (even though the Y5s got us back!)


It's been an amazing year this year, I'm so proud of all of you and I hope you have an amazing summer holiday!

5th July 24


We've had an absolutely lovely week this week! We've all embraced or random acts of kindness this week, paying people compliments, making cards, drawing pictures, helping around school, making bunting for a tea party on Wednesday and to top it off we had an amazing workshop yesterday to 'meet the brain' and talk about what is good for us.

Well done everyone and bring on next week!

21st June 2024


We had an amazing trip to the Mosque on Monday, the children were fascinated and engaged for the whole morning. We practiced washing our faces, hands and feet and even got to try on some traditional clothing.


A massive well done as well to everyone who took part in and supported the children at district sports events this week - you all did amazingly!


I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Moving Up


Please find below the meet the teacher presentation from last week as well as social stories for moving up to either Beech or Birch class.

14th June 2024


A massive well done to all of the Year 4s these last couple of weeks, you did so well in the Multiplication Tables Check and I'm so proud of all of you!


We had a lot of fun making string telephones for our Science lessons yesterday and practicing with them today, learning about vibrations and how we can hear different sounds.

24th May 2024


What an incredible week we've had!


Monday saw us burning our Viking long ships on the fire at Forest School, followed by a Viking feast of marshmallows and biscuits. We then went back to school to build rockets for the Science Fair.


Tuesday we had our final swimming session for this year - everyone worked so hard and has made so much progress!


Wednesday we had great fun in the morning constructing Anglo Saxon pots out of clay and practicing our coiling techniques.


Thursday morning was the best one yet - we went up to KLB for the Science Fair where we got to investigate a murder mystery, build our own spectroscopes, build paper rockets and even look at a real life animal heart! We then got to test our rockets against those from other schools. We followed this in the afternoon with some more art - finishing off our pots by sealing them with a varnish to make them nice and shiny.


Well done everyone - you've been amazing this term. I hope you all have a lovely half term break (full of times tables of course!)

10th May 2024


We've definitely been enjoying the sunshine this week! We had a great PE session on the field this morning practicing some athletics skills with Birch class.


Yesterday we also investigated how shadows are made then created our own puppets for a shadow theatre! (Photos below)


Have a lovely weekend everyone and we are looking forward to forest school on Monday.

3rd May 2024


Well done to everyone this week, we've done some great learning! Year 3 have been conquering time this week and Year 4 have been amazing at working through fractions.

A big congratulations to you all for showing respectful behaviour around the school, it's been noticed!

We've also had some great swimming sessions already this term with lots of bravery to go in the deep end. 


I hope you all have a lovely, restful long weekend.


8th March 2024


We've had a very exciting week this week, starting of with a very squelchy visit to Forest School on Monday! We all worked hard to match photos of animals an plants to their names, then made some very impressive dens.


On Wednesday Mrs Peacock kindly came in and celebrated International Women's Day with us by showing us the exciting world of Human Bioscience before we made our own arms using different materials.


Yesterday we all had fun celebrating World Book Day and it was amazing to see so many children bringing in and sharing their favourite books from home.


Well done for all your hard work this week and I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

23rd February 2024


We've had a great first week back after half term this week, full of exciting things! We all really enjoyed our Cricket lessons on Monday and are looking forward to our second lesson next week.

We also had an amazing forest school session, we worked together to create a web linking living things to the oak tree onsite and discussed what would happen if the tree was cut down. We then got nice and muddy building our own shield and stratovolcanoes before making one of them explode!

9th February 2024


Well done for a great last week everyone! I'm so proud of all your hard work in our Maths assessments this week - good job! Also a big thank you to everyone who contributed to our poetry competition, the finals this morning were lovely to watch.


I hope you all have a restful half term, see you all for Term 4!



2nd February 2024


Well done everyone for another great week! Thank you to everyone who contributed to our poetry competition this year, it was lovely to hear some of our creative efforts this morning.

We've all worked hard this week on our exchanging in our subtraction lessons and everyone has put great effort into including relative clauses into their writing.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.


19th January 2024


We've had a really good week in Beech class this week, well done to everyone who took part in the dodgeball tournament, and everyone who didn't for being so supportive!


We had some challenging Maths lesson this week that everyone persevered with and we had some high praise from our violin teacher today so a big well done to everyone.

16th November 2023


Well done to everyone practicing our Christmas carols this week, we're all looking forward to performing at the carol service in a few weeks time!


We also had a great time at forest school this week building dens and making our own charcoal to do some cave drawings.

19th October


This week we've been working hard to write our non-chronological reports all about the Iron Age - researching facts and learning new information! 

In Science we have learned how rocks become soil over hundreds of years and we will be going on a soil hunt to investigate what types of plant and animal matter we can find.


I hope everyone has a good weekend!

Miss Taylor

13th October


This week we finished off our cave paintings which are now proudly displayed in our classroom!

We have also started researching facts to write our own non-chronological reports and well done Year 4s on tackling rounding in Maths this week!


Miss Taylor

29th September


This week we finished off our first set of History lessons on the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages and started our Science unit all about rocks! We learnt about igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and how they're formed.


In English we completed writing our stories based on our book 'Stone Age Boy' and have started to think about non-chronological reports. Soon we'll be writing our own!


Well done this week and I hope everyone has a great weekend,

Miss Taylor

The following content is from the previous academic year 2022 - 2023

These are the script and the song lyrics for the production, for your child to be practising at home.

Here are the links to the songs for the production on YouTube for your child to practice:


Once Upon A Crime 


The Porridge Pot


Boys In Blue


It's Up To You


While The World is Sleeping


Happy Ever After


Times Table Rockstars


Your child(ren) has/have been sent home a personal log in to the learning platform 'Times Table rockstars'. Please use this to practice times tables. 

Spelling Check

All children in Beech Class will have weekly spellings to learn. These will be taken from the list below. They will be tested every Friday and new spellings will be issued.


Dear Beech Families, 


A huge well done to Beech and Birch for their amazing performance this week. They all should feel proud. 


This week we have been learning about the history of Kingswood village and Beech class went on a walk to compare the village from old photos and what it is now. We also found out about different dates buildings were built. We had a look at a virtual abbey to see what Kingswood abbey may have looked like. Have a look at the extended learning page if you want to explore some more!


Beech class were very lucky to have a visitor in this week to talk to us about ancient Egyptians and to show us loads of artefacts and stories about what life would have been like in ancient Egypt. 


Hope you all have a great week end.


Miss Holmes

Dear Beech Families, 


Beech class has been very busy this term. We have made clay models in Art, written some exciting Egyptian Stories, and a newspaper report about Tutankhamun's tomb discovery. We have learned about ancient Egyptians and tried to write like them.  Year 3 sang beautifully at Westgreen. Well done to those who read your stories. 


Yesterday we went to KLB and had fun learning about pressure. We made and launched our own rockets! 


Have a look at the knowledge organiser for detail about what we will be learning next term. There is also some links on the maths page to times table games and how to help your child(ren) with their times tables. 


Looking forward to working with Beech and Birch to create our version of 'Porridge'. Children have been sent home with a script to start learning lines and songs ready for next term. 


Hope you all have a great week. 


Miss Holmes

Dear Beech Families, 


Welcome back! 


Hope you all had a great break. 


Beech Class have started a new topic this term about 'Ancient Egypt' and have started to learn about Egyptian life. We have started reading our new book 'Secrets of a Sun King' by Emma Carroll and have continued to read 'The boy who Grew Dragons' in our Guided reading lessons. We have been using our adjectives and expanded noun phrases to describe an Egyptian setting in English and practicing our division in Maths. Children have been given their new spellings for the week which will be tested next Friday. 


Hope you have  a great Week end. 


Miss Holmes

Hello Beech Families, 


I hope you all have a wonderful Easter break. 

Beech class has had a fun week this week with all the Musical activities going on. Check out the news and events page to see all the photos. 


I just wanted to say well done to Beech class and all the other performers of our musical 'prom', you all did really well. I am super proud. 


Have a restful holiday and I will see you all next term! 


Miss Holmes

Monday 27th March 2023

Hello Beech Families, 


Spellings this week will go out on Monday. In the meantime please can children be practicing all of the year 3 and 4 spellings, which can be found in the 'spelling' section at the bottom of this page, as we will be checking all spellings next week. Also, make sure children are practicing their times tables as these are very important. We will be having another Times Table test next week. 


Year 3 - 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 8


Year 4 - all times tables


Have a lovely weekend, 


And I will see you all next week for our 'Music week'. 


Miss Holmes

Week 4 - Spring term 2

Spring Term 2 - Week 1. 


Welcome back, 


Beech class has had a fun start to this term. 

We enjoyed playing cricket on Thursday at Tubbs Turf. 

All children have been busy this morning in their houses doing craft activities based on the book 'The Secret Sky Garden'. There have been lovely kites, aeroplanes, flowers and butterflies being made. 


In English this term, Beech are learning about how to right a non-chronological report. We have looked at what features are needed and next week we will be learning about them ourselves. 


We have also started reading a new book 'the boy who grew dragons'. We have drawn our own dragons to go with the story. 


Hope you have a lovely weekend. 


Miss Holmes


PS: Just a reminder that Beech class PE days have changed to Wednesday and Thursday this term due to the cricket sessions. 



Week 6 - Spring term 1

Week 5 - 30.1.23 - 3.2.23

Spring term week 3 - 16.1.23 - 20.1.23

Spring term week 2 - 9.1.23 - 13.1.23

Spring term Week 1 - 2.1.23 - 6.1.23

Week Beginning 12th December

Week beginning 21st November

Autumn Term Photos
