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Kingswood Primary School

"Opportunity, Enjoyment, Excellence"

Home Page

Kingswood Primary School

"Opportunity, Enjoyment, Excellence"

Maple - Years 1&2

Welcome to Maple Class

Years 1 and 2

Social Story for those going to Beech in September

Homework fun grid and Knowledge organiser

The Journey into Maple PowerPoint

Our School Trip to Noahs Ark Zoo Farm

Our Coram PSHE workshop about our feelings

For Random Acts of Kindness week, we decorated the table cloths for the hall

Friday 5th July 2024


We have had a busy but exciting week with our school trip, random acts of kindness week and move up morning.


Maths homework: 
Year 1 - I would like year 1 to go on a 3D hunt around the house. What can they find that is a 3D shape? Sheet below.

Year 2 - I would like year 2 to consolidate division. Sheet below.


Have a lovely weekend!

PE- Sports Day practise

Forest School

Friday 21st June.


What a lovely week it has been with the sun shining.



Year 1 - In Maths we have been comparing the mass of the objects. We have put them in order from heaviest to lightest. Please can the children find 3 objects around the house (bottles, jars, pans, toys, etc...) and put them in order from heaviest to lightest. Please just write in reading record once this homework has been done.

Year 2 - In Maths year 2 we have been recapping adding 2 digit numbers. (67+20=, 60+22=, 45+40=, 50+27=, 30+25=, 70+24=, 61+30=, 38+50=, 23+60=, 20+46=). Please can they copy these into their books and write the answers, we have been focusing on writing 1 digit in 1 square.


Have a lovely weekend!

We were acting out 1 of the stories this term 'Lila and the Secret of Rain'.

Friday 14th June


We have had a lot of fun this week in Maple Class.


Maths homework:

Year 1: We have been learning about money this week. Please can the children make a rubbing of the 8 coins.

Year 2: We have been recapping adding 10 to a number and taking away 10 from a number, please can the children write 10 numbers between 10 and 100 into their brown maths book, and write 10 less and 10 more of each number.


Have a lovely weekend!

Friday 7th June.


We have had a lovely first week back.


Our new topic this term is 'African Adventure'.


The knowledge organiser will be uploaded as soon as possible.


Have a lovely weekend!

Term 5's Homework Fun Grid and Knowledge Organiser

Year 1 Phonics Screener Homework

The codes from each book from our phonics scheme, have been sent home so that children can revise reading and saying the sounds for each code to an adult, please.

Friday 24th May.


What a fantastic term we have had.


Homework for half term:

Year 1 - I have put a copy of some real words and some fake words in their bags for them to practise reading over half term, in preparation for their phonics screener.

Year 2 - I would like them to practise their 2, 3, 5, and 10 times tables.


Attached below is an activity for the children to do over half term about brushing their teeth.


I hope you all have a lovely half term, we look forward to seeing you after for a fun packed Term 6!

This week in PSHE Maple class have been learning all about what good dental hygiene means. You will have seen their display of teeth pictures in our classroom window, showing their top tips on keeping teeth healthy, as well as their toolkits containing all the things we need to do this! As part of our learning, Maple Class have a teeth cleaning challenge to complete over half term. Each child has been given a reward chart to record whether they have cleaned their teeth each morning and each night for a week. Ask your child what the ideal brushing time is - they have lots of facts to share! Please return the reward chart after half term. Each child will receive a toothy prize! (Please don't worry if you lose the chart - a note in the Reading Record to say they took part will be absolutely fine).

Friday 17th May



Year 1 - Practise the sounds for the phonics screener.

Year 2 - Practise getting change for 50p an £1.


Have a super weekend!

Friday 3rd May.


Homework this week:

Year 1 - I would like them to carry on practising their phonics sounds ready for their phonics screener that they have got coming up soon.

Year 2 - I would like you to create a tally chart for the weather over the bank holiday weekend, so when it rains, sunny, windy.


I hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend!

Friday 26th April


We have had another fantastic week. 


Homework this week:

Year 1: I would like you to focus on practising your phonics sounds ready for the phonics screener check in a few weeks.

Year 2 - I want you to draw times on a clock, into your brown books, and write the times underneath. We have been practising times with 5 minute intervals.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Friday 12th April.


I hope you have all had a lovely Easter Break.


I have added the knowledge organiser and the homework fun grid to the website.


Maths homework this week:

Year 1 - I would like the children to describe where the shapes are in relation to the other shapes. (The red square is in between the orange hexagon and the black circle.) I have attached the grid with the shapes in.

Year 2 - I would like you to complete activity 25 page 45, and the inside activity, in your Number Work maths homework book. 


Hope you all have a lovely weekend!


Miss Dovaston and Mrs Scott.

This terms homework fun grid!

Term 4 Knowledge Organiser

Friday 8th March


We have had a lovely 3 weeks with Mrs Peacock, we have said goodbye and thank you to her today. Thank you very much Mrs Peacock.


Maths homework:

Year 1 - I would like you to find the quarter of 4 objects and draw them and 4 amounts and write them.

Year 2 - I would like you to find the third of 4 objects and draw them and 4 amounts and write them.


Have lovely weekend!

Friday 1st March


This weeks maths homework is:

Year 1 - I would like you measure things around your house using other objects (like cubes, toy cars, counters etc...) or a ruler and create a table in your maths books to write down what you have measured and how long or wide they are.

Year 2 - I would like you to find half of different objects within your house and then choose 5 even numbers and write down half of the numbers you have chosen.


Have a lovely weekend!




Friday 23rd February


We have had a fantastic first week back.


The maths homework this week:

Year 1 - I want you to write as many addition and subtractions facts of 16 as you can remember.

Year 2 - I want you to compare and order the lengths of objects around your house, using the correct terminology (shorter, longer, taller, smaller), take pictures of the things you order.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Friday 9th February


We have had a lovely week at school.


We have been looking at the different things we would need to make a rocket and the different parts of a rocket.


Over the half term I would like: 

Year 1 to compare the heights of different things within your house, using words like taller and shorter.

Year 2 to practise all of there 2, 5 and 10 times tables and to practise reading scales in grams.


Make sure you all have a rest and have a fantastic half term!!

Friday 2nd February 


We have had a lovely week at school, welcoming back Mrs Scott!


We have been very busy learning how a poem is structured and we will be writing our own poems about space.


Maths homework this week:

Year 1: I want you to partition the number 14 in as many ways as you can and show it by drawing a picture.

Year 2: I would like you to complete page number 24 in your maths activity books, by filling in the missing numbers on the long lines.


Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Friday 26th January


This week you will find comprehension cards included with your child's reading book. Please listen to your child read you the text, and then ask them the questions on the back of the card.  Discuss the answers verbally and record how well your child understood the text in their reading record.  Each completed comprehension card counts as 'one read' towards their running total (every 30 reads gets a visit to the treats tin!).  There will be a new card each week to replace the card that has been worked through.


For Math's homework this week:

Year 1 - To write all of the addition facts numbers 12 and 13.

Year 2 - To write their 5 and 10 times tables.


Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Dovaston

Friday 19th January.


This weeks Maths homework,

Year 1: to write all of the addition and subtraction facts for 10 and 11.

Year 2: to write all of their 2 times table.


Miss Dovaston

Friday 12th January.


I hope everyone has had a lovely break. We have had a lovely first week back, learning lots of now things.


Below is this terms homework fun grid and this terms knowledge organiser.


I have given each child a maths homework book as well as the number work booklet. The maths homework this week:

Year 1 - To practise their subtraction facts for the numbers up to 10 (For example, 9-7=2)

Year 2 - To practise putting objects into groups and writing the division fact for it (For example, I have 8 buttons, put them into 4 groups, so 8/4=2).


Have a lovely weekend!

Friday 8th December.


We have had a super week, full of nativity rehearsals, finished off with our dress rehearsal to the rest of the school today. They did so well, we cannot wait to show all of you next week. 


This week in English, we have been recapping our story of Vlad and the Great Fire of London, and thinking about what is going on a little bit more by answering comprehension questions about what we have read.


This week in Maths the year 1 children have been practising their number bonds to 10 and consolidating putting numbers up to 100 in order from smallest to biggest. The year 2 children have been carrying out addition problems by rounding to the nearest 10 and then compensating.


The children's Maths home this week is:

Year 1 - activity 12 group A and C.

Year 2 - activity 12 group A, B, C and D.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend!


Miss Dovaston

Thursday 30th November.


All of the children are doing so well with the nativity. They have all learnt their lines and the poems and all the songs, this is something they should all be really be proud of.


In English, we have been reading a story all about a Flea and a Rat during the Great Fire of London. 


In Maths, Year 1 have been learning to order numbers within 100 and work out which number is more and which is less. Year 2's have been learning to subtract 2, 2 digit numbers away from each other. 


In our other topic subjects we have been learning about why the fire spread and different London landmarks.


The Maths homework this week:

Year 1 - complete Activity 8b and 9a. 

Year 2 - complete Activity 8c and 9c.


Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Attached is this terms knowledge organiser. There is no homework grid for this term because I think it is important that the children keep practising their lines, so they know theirs cues and also to practise the songs.

Friday 27th October


What an amazing first term we have had!


We have been to forest school where we did lots of den building and we have had hot chocolate made using a fire.


In English the children have written their own stories and made them into books, and we have leant about some aspects of poetry and planned our own poems all about 'Me'.


In Maths, Year 1 have learnt to add 1 more, take 1 away and partition the numbers 5 and 6. Year 2 have learnt lots of different strategies to add 2-digit numbers within 100.


I hope you all have a lovely half term!


Miss Dovaston

Friday 20th October


In English this week, the children have written their own version of 'The Story Machine', and we created our own story books to go on display.


In maths this week, year 1 have been investing partitioning numbers 5 and 6. Year 2 have been adding 2 digit numbers that do not bridge 10.


This weeks Maths homework for year 1 is to consolidate partition 5 and 6 and for year 2 is to consolidate adding 2 digit numbers that do not bridge 10.


Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Dovaston

Friday 6th October.


We have had another fantastic week.


In English, the children have been mapping out the story of 'The Story Machine'. They have started to create their own versions of the story, by changing the characters, the thing they find, where they find it and also what goes wrong with it.


In Maths, we have moved onto addition and subtraction. Year 1 have been adding 1 and subtracting one. Year 2 have been adding 2 single digit numbers, and bridging 10 with their addition. 


On Monday we had a lovely time at forest school, where the children went on a picture hunt to match them with the seasons and they built lots of very good dens.


This afternoon in art the children drew a self portrait in the style of Frida Kahlo.


The Maths homework this week:

Year 1 - to practise your adding and subtracting 1 for numbers up to 20 using objects. Take pictures to show us your fantastic adding and subtracting.

Year 2 - pg 34, activity 10c.


Hope you all have a fantastic weekend.


Miss Dovaston

This week each child has written their name on a typewriter, like the little boy in our story did. It was lovely to see the children exploring how the typewriter works.

Friday 29th September.


We have had another fantastic week in Maple Class this week!


Just a reminder that on Monday 2nd October we have got Forest School. The children need to be wearing trousers and long sleeved tops.


The Maths homework this week:

Year 1 - Pg30, activities 3B and 4B

Year 2 - Pg30, activities 3D and 4D.

Please can you write the work that has been completed in the front of the maths homework book and I will collected these each Thursday to see who has completed it.


I have sent home the children's school photo's home today for you to order them through the website if you wish.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend!


Miss Dovaston




Friday 22nd September


We have had a brilliant week!


We have been learning about the story machine in English and ordering and writing numbers in numerals and words in Maths.


We have been drawing self-portraits in Art and acting out the creation story in RE.


The children's maths homework this week is using the maths booklet that has been sent home with them. 

Year 1 - Page 29, Activity 1B and 2C.

Year 2 - Page 29, Activity 1D and 2D.


I am also looking forward to starting to see some of your homework fun grid activities coming in to look at in our class assemblies on Thursday.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend!


Miss Dovaston

Friday 15th September.


We have had such a lovely week.


In PE we have been practising our target games by aiming our beanbag at a target. In art we were looking at all the different techniques we can use to shade in an object.


In Maths, year 1 have been focusing on their numbers up to 30. Year 2 have been focusing on reading and writing in numerals and words our numbers up to 100.

 Our Maths homework for this week for year 1 is to practise writing their numbers in order from 0 to 30. For year 2, the Maths homework is to practise writing their numbers up too 100 in numerals and then to choose a random 10 numbers to write in words.


Below is a copy of our knowledge organiser for this term and our homework fun grid. on the homework fun grid the children can choose at least 1 piece of homework they would like to compete and they can bring it in any time between now and October half term and we will showing off our masterpieces in our class assemblies.


Miss Dovaston

Friday 8th September 2023


I would like to say hello and welcome to all of our parents/carers and children into Maple class.


We have had such a fantastic start to the school year.


We have been looking at the story Elmer, and thinking about all the things that make us special and different as individuals. 


We have also created our class rules, which we did as a class and the children decided which rules were important to them.


Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Dovaston

Week beginning 27th March - Forest School

Week beginning 20th March - Forest School

Week Beginning 13th March - Local walk around Kingswood

This week we explored the local area around our school in small groups. We looked at the detail at the Abbey Gatehouse and the history of our school by finding the old school buildings and even a previous headmaster's grave in the churchyard!

Can you spot the things we found to do with maths, history, science and geography on our local walk?

Week beginning 13th March - Cricket with Molly

Week beginning 6th March - Repeating patterns in art using the program sketchpad

Week beginning 27th February - Cricket

Week beginning 13th February - Finished Geometric Sculptures

Week beginning 6th February - Seasons acrostic poems and Clay geometric Sculptures

Week beginning 30th January 2023


This week we have been planning our own version of the story Winter's Child by Angela McAllister. We are applying our knowledge of hot and cold places which we looked at last term to make our own version of the story called 'Summer's Child'. 

We have been excited about having NumBots to use at home and I can see some of us are already logging on and using this to practise maths at home. Remember you can see what we are learning about in maths this term by looking at the maths section of our Maple Class page.

In science and geography we have been looking at signs of autumn and what the weather is like in this season. 

In art we have continued to look at geometric art and this week have explored the work of sculpture artist Barbara Hepworth. 

This term our topic is all about seasons. In science we will be looking at how the seasons change throughout the year and in geography we will be looking at weather patterns.

We have been looking at geometric sculptures in art this week

Talk PANTS with Pantosaurus and his PANTS song

Meet Pantosaurus - the pant-wearing Dino! He wants every child to stay safe and strong, just like him, and he's on a mission to share an important message.

We have been looking at what it is like in Britain in Spring Time

A variety of native birds display seasonal spring time behaviour, plants burst into leaf and flower which shows the change in the landscape. The birds sing to establish territory, build nests, sit on eggs and then feed their newly hatched young. Young animals are seen playing with each other and in the company of their parents.

This is in the corridor outside our classroom and shows which months of the year are in each season.

Here is a video to help you learn the months of the year

Still image for this video

We have been learning the seven continents of the world and the five main oceans - Can you name them?

Here are our Thing puppets which we have made for our DT project this term
