School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you would like to receive a paper copy of any of these policies free of charge, please ask at the school office.
- Accessibility Plan - 2021-2024.pdf
- Admission Arrangements 2022-23.pdf
- Anti-bullying Policy 2023.pdf
- Attendance policy 2024.pdf
- Behaviour Policy 2023.pdf
- Capability policy - Spring 2023.pdf
- Charging and Remissions Policy - January 2024.pdf
- Complaints Procedures Policy - November 2022.pdf
- Confidentiality Policy - 2022.pdf
- Data Protection Policy 2023.pdf
- Drugs policy - January 2023.pdf
- Early Career Teachers Policy - June 2022.pdf
- Early Years Foundation Stage Policy - November 2021.pdf
- Equality Policy - 2023 Final.pdf
- Exclusion Policy - January 2022.pdf
- First Aid Policy - October 2023.pdf
- Freedom of Information Policy - 2022.pdf
- Governors Allowances - January 2024.pdf
- Health and Safety Policy - October 2023.pdf
- Healthy Eating Policy - January 2020.pdf
- Instrument of Government 2018.pdf
- NQT Induction Policy - December 2019.pdf
- Offer of Early Help - November 23.pdf
- Offsite Visits Policy 2022.pdf
- Online Safety (including Acceptable Use) Policy - 2023.pdf
- Parent Representative Group Terms of Reference.pdf
- Privacy Notice - Parents 2022 Fair Processing.pdf
- Relationships and Sex Education 2023.pdf
- Safeguarding Policy - October 2023.pdf
- Staff Code of Conduct - March 2023.pdf
- Staff Pay Policy 2023.pdf
- SEND Policy 2024.pdf
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy - October 23.pdf
- Teachers Appraisal 2022.pdf
- Whistle Blowing Policy - February 2023.pdf