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Years 5 & 6

Knowledge and skills:

During Year 5 & Year 6 the children learn to:



  • gain possession by working as a team;

  • pass in different ways;

  • use fielding skills;

  • use forehand and backhand with a racket;

  • choose a tactic for defending and attacking;

  • use a number of techniques to pass, dribble and shoot.



  • make complex extended sequences;
  • combine action, balance and shape;
  • perform consistently to different audiences.



  • be controlled when taking off and landing;
  • throw with accuracy;
  • combine running and jumping.


Outdoor and adventurous activities:

  • follow a map in an unknown location;
  • use clues and a compass to navigate a route;
  • change my route to overcome a problem;
  • use new information to change my route.



  • play to agreed rules;
  • explain rules and umpire;
  • make a team and communicate plan;
  • lead others in a game situation.



  • combine my own work with that of others;
  • link sequences to specific timings.



  • demonstrate stamina.


Outdoor and adventurous activities:

  • plan a route and a series of clues for someone else;
  • plan with others taking account of safety and danger.